Please see the below table that explains in summary the various Call Warnings that can pop up during an active call in Ricochet.

Twilio Warning Pop-Up Explanation

Warning Type



Latency detected on Ricochet User's network. This is usually due to their device's network connection, and may affect call quality.


Bad overall network conditions on Ricochet User's network, usually due to their device network connection. May affect call quality.


High jitter detected on Ricochet User's network, may result in choppy audio. Jitter is common and usually stabilizes between calls. If it continues, contact your Internet Service Provider.

High-Packet Loss

High packet loss detected on Ricochet User's network, may result in choppy audio. This is common and usually stabilizes between calls. If it continues, contact your Internet Service Provider.


"Audio input level from the microphone is unchanged for 20 seconds" message appears.  Is the call silent or are you on mute? If not, please check your mic settings because your audio is not transmitting to the call properly.


Local network issue on Ricochet User's network.  Error message states "Could not establish a UDP/RTP media connection with Twilio. Please try again, and if the issue persists check your internet connection quality and ensure that no network policies are preventing UDP to/from IP addresses in Amazon's public range."

Low-Bytes Received

The other party (the person you're on the phone with) has a device that has a weak connection to the call, which may impact call quality. 

Low-Bytes Sent

Your device (the Ricochet User) has a weak internet connection, which may impact call quality. Please check your internet connection - if the issue persists, contact your internet service provider.

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